RADIODATA GmbH in Berlin-Adlershof
Secure voice communication during power outages
Interconnecting ITCS and On-Board Computers
Flexible Radio Network Solutions for Industrial Users
Scalable Digital Radio Networks with DMR Tier III
Analog and Digital In-Building Radio Coverage

FIS mEfficient control of service missions especially requires latest information about location and status of the mobile work force in the field.

The Fleet Management of the DIPRA® DMR Tier III radio system makes use of Automatic Vehicle Locationing (AVL) and outlines vehicle positions and supplemental information on a map. This helps to handle orders faster and more economically. Besides the commercial advantages Fleet Management in general helps to improve customer relations.

DMR mobile stations can submit their GPS information in an adjustable timed manner. The DIPRA® radio system stores this geo information together with a time stamp in a data base and provides an interface for data transfer to RADIODATA's DIPRA® dispatcher workstations. For presenting this information at the workstation either an open source map or a customer provided map may be used.

After logging-in dispatchers can see the location of all registered MS22xyD with GPS option on the map. Storing all required map sections in the DIPRA® radio system, even in different scales, avoids the necessity of permanent access to the internet to maintain this service at the workstation. 

For each vehicle the DMR address and user name (requires the User-ID option), the GPS coordinates and the time of the last GPS transmission may be displayed. In case of an emergency call the dispatcher is notified optically and acoustically; the map is moved in a way that the emergency caller is shown in the center of the screen to give fast orientation.

The Fleet Management is an integral part of the DIPRA® DMR Tier III radio system. Among other things, it has an impact on data transmission, the user interface of the dispatcher workstation and on organizational processes.

In order to consider all important aspects of Fleet Management RADIODATA recommends joint planning at an early stage.